August is a superhero theme with Mother Goose Time. Who doesn't love superheros? But as always, there is not only a ton of fun but a ton of learning and amazing opportunities to spend valuable time with your children. If you have little ones at home, even if it's just for the summer months, I can not recommend enough that you purchase one of the summer time boxes from MGT. They are typically review boxes that cover all the letters, numbers and shapes.
My boys have never been ones to sit down in my lap and read a book. We never have been able to spend time like that together. But you will read article after article about how valuable reading with your child is to their later success in school and life in general. I felt like we were failing our boys, yet trying to get them to curl up for a story was torture. For us, Mother Goose Time is how we spent that quality time together. It's how we spent time talking, introducing new vocabulary, spending face to face quality time and learning.
I don't get money for saying this, there is no commission. I do get our curriculum for free in exchange for sharing our stories, but I would still tell everyone I know, even if I paid for it out of pocket. I am just passionate about the difference it has made in my family and I want that for others.
So with out further ado, here is what we have done so far with the superhero theme, or at least what I have photographed. This was a combination of Day 1, Superhero Symbol and Day 2, Glasses.
This lesson was called Super Vision and I remember it distinctly from three years ago. It was like a magic trick to them then and again this year. First we each had some red cellophane which we explored looking through.
Then we made these paddles. I had to help Adam out quite a bit, it was hard to cut cellophane, but he helped me glue it in and tear the tape. I didn't give them the cards with the pictures until all of them had the color paddles ready. I wanted them to all be surprised at the same time. They were in total shock when an image appeared.
Lucy and Peter decided to make their own drawings with red scribbles over the top.
It didn't work quite as well, but I loved that this project got them started and launched them into creativity. It also made them do some serious problem solving when it didn't work as they had hoped. Maybe it was because the birds weren't blue, they were more purple. So he tried again.
In this months box we got magnet wands for each child!!! This was an activity from Day 1 that I just hadn't gotten to. I cut out the shapes, added paper clips and gave Adam a magnet wand to go fishing.
He would pick up a shape and place it on the shield. Which revealed a secret message when all shapes were in place. But it was hard, really hard to get them all lined up.
We also experimented with how strong the magnet was and found out how many shapes it could hold at once. Turns out it can hold them all!
Peter continued to stay very focused and made a pretty cool drawing.
What's great is that I took no time to prepare and I didn't have it all planned out and scheduled to a T. We were there at the table, eating lunch and cooling off. I asked if they wanted to learn about superhero vision and make a color paddle and everyone cheered. I cut open the bag, popped out the cut outs, handed out the supplies and we were having fun creating in a matter of minutes, if that.
What we didn't get to I keep in the back of my mind for another spontaneous and fun moment or I just open another bag and we continue on with something new. So easy!