Showing posts with label Let's Be Superheroes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Let's Be Superheroes. Show all posts

Friday, August 1, 2014

Buy a Box Already

Over the summer months Mother Goose Time does review months.  Last month our My Little Journal's had numbers 1 through 20 in them.  This month they have the full alphabet.  Last month we also had the alphabet included with a Wonder Word Wall. 

I point this out because if any of you are looking into Mother Goose Time, these would be great months to try.  You could buy last months superhero theme and this months camping theme and you would have all letters and numbers covered.  You could use their lessons as jumping off point to expand from.  I bet if you used it in this way, 2 boxes could get you 6 months or more.  Or if you just want to get a good idea as to what MGT is all about, these months are great.

I highly recommend anyone with an 18 month old and up to buy a box, even if it's just one.  I had no idea the things that my little guy could do and would have never encouraged him to do the things he has done if I didn't have a guide.  I am not even talking school prep, I am just talking about fun times with your children.  They do learn as you play, but they give you some awesome ideas and they truly teach you how to make each moment a teachable moment.
I would have never thought to have Peter tell me a story about a hedgehog. But I am so glad I did. He was just over 2 and a half years old when he told me this story.
There is a lot of research to show that simply reading to your kids on a daily basis increases their chances of success in academics.  But my boys have never been a fan of sitting down for reading time.  I felt like a failure until I heard one doctor explain the research.  It's not necessarily the reading to your kids but the time being spent with them, expanding their vocabulary and building a bond.  If your little ones are like mine, and will not sit still long enough for a daily bed time story, buy a box of Mother Goose Time.  Do a lesson a day.  They give you rhymes, songs, games, crafts & arts, and adorable displays so your kids can have their letters and numbers all around them.  Did I mention the discussion questions?  There is one with each lesson, not each day, each lesson, 4+ lessons a day.  They have you ask open ended questions.  Again questions I wouldn't have thought to ask and you get answers you would never expect.  Little glimpses into their amazing minds.
Here is Lachlan's story.  I am so glad to have this recorded, I can still hear his voice telling me the story and I wrote it exactly how he spoke it.
I don't think I was a bad Mom before.  But I do feel like I am a better Mom now.  I have probably learned more than my boys.  Most of all, I have learned how valuable these moments are with my sons and how amazing it is to be there when they do something or learn something for the very first time. 
Trust me, all the kids that come over will be ecstatic over the Mother Goose Time. 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Let's Be Superheroes - Invisibility

This was a fun day of lessons.  Again the lessons were all spread out, but each one was a blast.

First, we did the Invisible Ink Art Mother Goose Time gave us white crayons and white paper.  First we drew on the paper with our white crayons then we painted over with water color.  I tried to write a shape or secret message on each of their papers.  In case you haven't done this before, when you paint over it, the paint does not stick to the white crayon and the message appears.
I had a few little visitors on this day.  When they got home, that's all they could talk about.  Mom can we do the invisible letters. 

Next we talked about Invisible Body Parts.  What is in our body, under our skin?  Bones!  How can we see our bones? x-ray.  They both knew the answers to these questions.  I didn't have black paper so I got out brown and the white crayon that came in the day bag. 
 Peter and I drew our bones.  Lachlan was busy with is legos.
Peter wanted me to draw his head bone. 
 Then he needed to put the little circles inside the eye.
 And finally color the whole thing white.

We started talking about the next lesson Finding the Invisible.  I said, how can we find something if you can't see it?  They were stumped, "I don't know."  So we talked about using our hands to feel and our ears to hear. 
 Peter promptly closed his eyes and started using his hands to feel and make sound.
We were supposed to put out a metal pot and give each child a spoon.  Sit them in a circle and have them start crawling on their hands and knees using their spoon to find the pot. 

We ended up taking turns hiding the pot around the house and the other would search for the pot using the spoon.  Tapping the spoon on things along the way.  Each thing would make a different sound and tapping on the pot was very distinct.  I blind folded my boys because they aren't so great at keeping their eyes closed and I really wanted them to experience what it is like to use their other sense. 

Since we tried this the boys have asked to do it again and again.  The last time I just picked a cow toy and had them hide it for each other and use their hands to feel.  The spoon against the pot was pretty loud and baby was sleeping.  They would hide it and then use their voice to say "over hear, over hear" or "this way".  Guiding each other to the hidden object. 

Simple and fun!

Since this was day 6, we also worked in our My Little Journal, page 6.  First they both wrote a big number 6 on the page.  Then they used that same color to draw 4 circles.  MGT had us ask them how many more circles they needed to draw to make 6.  They drew these new circles or dots in a different color.  Lachlan just started drawing and we counted as he added.  He didn't know the answer off the top of his head.  But that's okay, this is how we learn.
 This is Peter's page.  The big orange circle is from a previous day.  He had the markers out and was flipping through the pages.  But you can see the 6 he wrote in blue in the upper right hand corner.  He also loves to fill in the circles. 
Lachlan's dots were not so much a circle as a scribble, but it got the job done.  He drew the big circle part of the 6 first and then the faint little line.  I was able to show him how to draw the 6 starting at the top then coming down and looping around.  I did the first two on the line their and he did the third. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Let's Be Superheroes - Mask & Belt

On Mask day Mother Goose Time provided us with paper mask cut outs and elastic string.  It was the job of the boys to paint the masks as they desired.  They also provided us with disposable eye shadow applicators to use for painting.  I love how MGT does that.  We get all sorts of objects in our day bags to use for painting.
I generally let them choose two primary colors to paint with because it is inevitable that the colors will be mixed.  If they mix into another color, it tends to turn out better than 3 colors that, when put together, turn into mud.

Lachlan had painted his mask the day before so I got out the belt craft for him to work on.
Here is another great example of cool painting supplies.  This time they provided us with star shaped sponges.  Lachlan decorated his belt strap and the belt buckle with blue stars, while munching on some peanuts.  You can see his dry and complete mask on the counter there too. 

As you can see, sometimes our days become a mix of things.  Sometimes it's one last lesson from the day before I really want to finish before we start the new day or sometimes it's 2 kids doing 2 different things.  That's the nice thing about all the themes connecting in a theme web.  A superhero belt and a superhero mask, although different, fall into the same category, so we aren't too far off topic doing them both together.

To finish off mask day I had Lachlan work in his My Little Journal for Four Masks.  MGT had them draw a line down the middle vertically and then another down the middle of the page horizontally to divide the page into 4.  This was also on the page all about the number 4.  In each square they were to draw a picture of a mask.  Here is Lachlan's completed page.
In the upper left hand Lachlan drew a gronkle mask.  A gronkle is a type of dragon in the movie How to Train Your Dragon.  This is a favorite around here which is why our Guinea Pig is named Toothless, after the main dragon in the movie.  I love all the detail he put in, with all his spikes.  It's actually quite an accurate depiction. 

On Day 5 we learned all about superhero belts and we were introduced to the book of the month.  It's a super cute, comic book style, book made by Mother Goose Time or Experience Early Learning. 

These superhero friends, used their superhero powers to clean up the mess that the villain made.  I might just have to read this book to the boys over and over again.  Maybe they could use their superhero powers to clean up around here.

After Peter got done with his mask painting he started on his belt.  Both the belts were put away to dry and then sort of forgot about for a few days.  We brought them back out and put them together when we were on day 6, which was all about invisibility.
 Lachlan cut out the belt buckle and then I stapled everything together.
They were big fans of their superhero belts.  I am glad we didn't forget about them all together.

Lachlan also worked in his My Little Journal on page 5.  The instructions were to draw a belt and draw 5 superhero tools on it.
I think we were actually supposed to cut out a belt of construction paper but I could tell I was going to lose my opportunity with Lachlan so I drew one real quick.  He got 4 tools drawn and then ran out of steam and ideas.  But it was still a really neat concept.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Let's Be Superheroes - Cape

Of course when the theme is superheroes, one of the days will be about capes.  The question of the day was, if you had a superhero cape, what would you do with it?

Lachlan says "save the world" and Peter echos with the same.

First we were to make a cape.  Mother Goose Time provided us with a large sheet of paper folded into thirds.  We talked about what color they would want their cape and then they were supposed to decorate their cape in that color.  I say supposed to because as soon as I laid out this big sheet of paper in front of them with markers they went off in their own direction.  They were both being so creative coming up with stories and trying to draw specific things.  I couldn't stop them.  I mostly just sat and watched in awe.  It was so fun to see their imagination hard at work.

On the first part of the paper Lachlan drew tall skyscraper buildings with a superhero climbing or flying up one of the buildings. 

 He stopped to think about what story he would draw out next.
 Peter was really getting into it.
 He decided he wanted to draw his foot and thought this would be the best way to do it.  Normally, I wouldn't allow feet on the table, but their focus and determination to create was just so cool to watch, I let a few rules slide for a time. 
 He decide to draw a monster truck scene and asked me how to write Monster Truck Repairer, so I wrote it out on a card for him to copy.
Peter was trying to draw a person and got sad because he "messed up".  It was a little hard to tell where exactly he messed up but his heart was broken.
 I asked him to if he wanted me to help him figure out how to draw a person and he did.  So first I asked him what shape our heads are as I drew in the air a big circle around my head.  He grinned and said circle!   He got right to work. 
 From there we talked through how to draw a body and arms.  He thought it was super funny to draw really  l o n g  arms. 
 I did it!

 Lachlan is writing out Monster Truck Repairer on the flag type things he has drawn on his paper.  He did pretty good. 
 Next he drew a superhero sitting at the table with all his superhero belongings. 
 He drew a mask and a cape and then was a bit stumped as to what else the superhero would need and asked me.  I peaked ahead at the lessons so I recommended a superhero belt for him to keep all his superhero tools on.  I LOVE this set of drawings. 

While they were working on their art I moved on to the discussion for Calling a Hero.  First MGT had us ask, who would  you call if you needed help?  Peter said "the superhero!"  Lachlan said "A monster for squishing him."  I said, who's him?  "The bad guy."

Next it led us into a discussion about 9-1-1 and when to call.  I talked through several different scenarios with them.  I then taught them the ASL sign for hero and explained that everyday people can be heroes too if we can help when someone is in need.

Since we were still at the table I asked them the discussion question for Cape Trick.  What could you do with a cape?  Peter said "fly" and Lachlan said "hide from other people."

The last activity of the day I did with just Lachlan.  For 1-2-3, Go! we got out our My Little Journal and turned to page 3.  Lachlan wrote out the numbers 1, 2, and 3 and then cut out pieces of paper as capes to cover the numbers.
 The next day Lachlan took the large paper he drew on and put on a show for me.  He even designated a spot for me to sit.
He set out the pencils as the viewing area.  The large section closes to where I am standing taking the picture was for me to sit in.  I kept on hearing him say as he was working "I've got to make it big enough for Mom's butt."  Ah thanks buddy. :)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Let's Be Superheroes - Glasses

This day was all about superhero glasses and super vision.  The boys loved the first activity of the day which was making these red and blue spy glasses. 

First Mother Goose Time had us ask, what is your favorite color?  Peter said green and Lachlan said red.
 The spy glasses were made with red and blue cellophane.  When they put them over the provided papers, pictures were revealed.  On the paper hand out they gave us there were three pictures covered by a pattern or scribbles.  So there was a blue picture with red scribbles over it and when the red cellophane spy glass was placed over it the blue picture underneath all of a sudden became clear. 
This was thrilling to my boys and they played with them for several days.  They brought them with to different outings to show their friends and cousins. 
One of the places he took his spy glass to show people was to the homeschool co-op we are part of.  They made these really cool pencils there and when we got home he wanted to use that pencil to write his name on his spy glass.  This is the first time he wrote his name with out tracing it or copying it.  He actually spelled it out to write it.  Here is the back story on how we got to this wonderful event.

A couple months ago Lachlan went to his 5 year well child visit.  The doctor asked him if he could spell his name, and he could not.  Honestly, I am new to all this and I figured he would learn it as we go, as we write it and as he learns his letters.  I figured he would put it all together.  Then I realized, he probably could just memorize it so that he could tell people when they ask.  I still wasn't sure if I liked that idea because I would rather he actually know it.  But none the less, I started teaching him.

I actually taught him in a rhythm.  I would clap twice and say L-A, then clap twice again, C-H, then clap three times L-A-N.  That way, I could stop saying the letters and just clap the rhythm and then he could take it from there.  He quickly picked it up.  It was a few days later we were at co-op and one of the other Moms asked him how to spell his name.  He looked dazed for a second and then I reminded him by saying L-A and clapping twice.  He continued from there and spelled his name for her.  He was beaming with pride.

When we got home and he wanted to write his name, he used his newly refined skill of spelling his name.  He would spell it and then recall what those letters looked like and wrote his name!

So it turned out that just memorizing the letters in his name was not so bad after all.  Because he memorized it he was able to write it all by himself.  Every little accomplishment like this is a big deal for Lachlan.  He is a perfectionist and doesn't want to do anything unless he can do it himself and do it right.  He gets really upset if I directly try to instruct him.  So to simply memorize his letters helped him to be able to write his name, by himself.  The added boost in confidence helps too.  Makes him more willing to try new things.  I am so pleased that this worked out as it did.

Writing his name falls in the skill category Emergent Writing 14.1 Writes name, words and sentences.  He probably fits most comfortably at Benchmark D but he has now accomplished the first 2 parts of Benchmark E, Prints first name. Copies print.  Uses inventive spelling.  I need to figure out what inventive spelling means, but I can take a guess and I don't think he is there yet.  I bet we are close to that stage though.

I was so excited that he was writing his name and was praising him of course. This made Peter want to join in and I have learned never to underestimate Peter.  I have to remind myself that Peter is only 3.5 years old.
Here they are using their new pencils they made at the 4th of July co-op.
This is Peter writing his name.  This again was from his memory.  He was not copying his name.  We were spelling it together and he wrote it out.  He has been pretty good at P for a while.  T he figured out a while ago because it's Mommies letter and he likes to write it and point it out when ever he sees it.  The Es and R he did to the best of his recollection.  I am very impressed by my little man.  He has been joining in on school with Lachlan since he was 1.5 years old.  I never would have thought to start that young, I didn't start anything like this with Lachlan until he was 3.  So if you are wondering when to start using Mother Goose Time with your children, I recommend 1 and a half.  Seriously, they have so much fun, they don't know they are learning and it provides some awesome moments between you and your child.

What I am really enjoying about this month is that because it is a review month, everyday we are working in our My Little Journal.  Each day we write a number and do an activity associated with that number.  Day 2 was all about glasses so we drew 2 eyes.
 Peter is tracing the number 2 here.
 Lachlan, again in his swim trunks, is drawing the 2 eyes I asked him to draw.  He is drawing a few sets in fact.

Here is Peter tracing the word "two".  As he writes the letter W I just kept clicking and you can see his hand going up and down tracing the letter.

 Nice writing buddy.
He really enjoys coloring in the little dots they have on the page too.  For each number they have the correlating number of dots on the page for the kids to count.  Another way for them to figure out what number is on the page in case they don't know it by looking at it.
Here is Lachlan's finished page.  Multiple sets of eyes.  I asked him to draw glasses around one of the sets of eyes but I don't think he could quite visualize it.  So he drew a pair in the upper right hand corner.