
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Is Mother Goose Time Worth the Money? - How we use it and could we do it with out MGT.

 *This post may contain affiliate links.

First up, how we use Mother Goose Time.

We have continued to fly through the Superhero theme from Mother Goose Time.  In the first week we built our superhero wardrobe, in the second week we learned about superhero powers.  First super speed.  Since we were talking about running super fast, our Inspiration to Create was all about shoes.  Mother Goose Time provided us with this colorful inspiration photo of a bunch of feet and shoes.  The Inspiration to Create art projects are meant to be process based art versus project based art.  Project based is creating art with a goal of specific outcome, processed based art is more about the process of creating with little concern for the outcome of the piece.  (None of this I knew before using MGT.)

So with that in mind, I wanted to show you the stages Adam went through as he created.  First he looked at the inspiration photo and saw all the colors.  He grabbed his markers and added all the colors he had seen.  Then he took a moment to admire his work.
I had supplied him with a hole punch and a red shoe lace.  We worked together to punch holes in the corners and he started stringing the lace through the holes.
When he got through the third hole, he discovered that his lace was not long enough to get through the forth hole and he got very upset.  I suggested we tie the extra lace I had to the first lace to make it extra long.
 The lace was finally able to string through all four holes and he was very happy.
Next we learned about Super Strength and built our own dumbbell.  He painted two paper plates and when he was done he kept painting the paper underneath.
 Then our chicken jumped on the towel draped over the wheelbarrow and was surprised to sink down.
 We watched the solar eclipse.
After the paint had dried (a few days later) I cut holes in the paper plates, rolled up the black paper and placed the paper plates on the ends.  Now we had a proper dumbbell to do some strength training with.
 We were given this Strength Training spinner to spin and then do the exercise.  We did bicep curls, side raises, shoulder press, and squats.

Then we went to the eye doctor and Adam sat in the chair "like a big brother".  This is what he calls himself when he does something a big boy can do because he wants to be like his big brothers.
 Then we went to the dentist where they have the best waiting room toys ever.
 He also got his very own dentist chair "like his big brothers".
Eventually I took the time to set up our Circle Time display for the coming year.  All this stuff comes in the Welcome Kit you get when you order your first box of Mother Goose Time.  You get the letters, the calendar, the theme poster and the topic poster new with each month.
I am so thankful for how easily Mother Goose Time fits into our crazy life.  It allows for me to have priceless moments of learning and creativity with Adam.  Moments I would not have the time or energy to put together myself, moments that prepare him for Kindergarten.  This alone makes Mother Goose Time worth every penny.

It did get me curious though about the actual monetary value of Mother Goose Time.  So I took the time to put together the cost of buying some of the things you get in a box of Mother Goose Time from Amazon. I wanted to see what I would have to pay to put together something like this on my own.
To buy a puzzle, a calendar and weather display, two music CDs, a bag of STEAM manipulatives, and a bag of counting manipulatives, a children's book, basic craft supplies like construction paper, googly eyes and cotton balls we are already at $59 approximately.  But I ran out of time to keep shopping, I would need to look for children's games, and many more craft supplies to really find out the true value. (Maybe a more detailed post is required.)
For a box of MGT with supplies for one child it's $67 a month (plus shipping), less if you pay for more than one month at a time.  But in each box you get so much more than the basic items I priced on Amazon.  You get all those things and more all put together in a theme that your child will LOVE. On top of that, you get detailed instructions on how to carry out activities that will teach and train your child in 33 areas of skill development. Which translates to a peace of mind, another thing that is hard to put a price tag on. AND it's easy to do!  You get 20 daily discovery bags that are filled with everything you need, you just open and go.

1 comment:

  1. I also did not know the difference between project based art and process based art before reading your blog post. MGT boxes are really helpful.Yesterday,my friend was referring my another friend to buy a MGT Box for her school activity.
