Thursday, August 17, 2017

Building a Superhero Wardrobe with Mother Goose Time

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In the first week of fun with Mother Goose Time's Superhero theme we created our Superhero wardrobe.  Starting with a superhero symbol and then the cape of course.  My oldest was gone on cape day so we had one extra set of supplies and asked our little neighbor if she wanted to come over.  Her and Adam are such a good pair.  They play so well together.  I helped cut out the cape shape and they decorated with stickers and markers.
The cuteness is a bit overwhelming when these two are together.
After making our capes we played a game called Cape Trick.

I first set it up with just five items but then I made it more challenging for Lucy and Peter who are six years old.
I had them look away and then I took one item and hid it under a fabric cape we have in our dress up collection.  Then I would ask, what's under the cape?  They loved this game and we played it many times.
Then we played the Fly and Rescue game which we adapted a bit to make it easier for Adam and changed it to play with just one child.  It was intended for a group of children to sit in a circle and "fly" to the center to grab a letter tile, then roll the pocket cube and check to see if the tile they rescued matched anything on the cube.

Adam just simply looked at the cube, found a letter and looked at the letter tiles on his board to see if he could find a match.  Then he placed the matching tile on the cube.  Yes, I could have rounded up siblings to play this with him and it would have been a lot of fun.  But they were all super busy doing their own thing and Adam loves investigating things like this.  So you can totally adapt these games and activities to fit their personalities too.
Next up it was time to make our Superhero Mask.  I tell you what, these Make & Play crafts make AMAZING photography props.
I will cherish these photos forever.

Now that we had a cape and mask I knew that trying to jump off of something to fly was not far behind.  Adam has already broken his foot trying to fly, so I decided to face this potential problem head on and provided a small step stool for superhero jumping.  Not the best photo, there is a lot of blur, but I think you get the idea.  And of course he is wearing no pants.  Do three year olds where pants?
The last piece of the wardrobe was the Superhero Belt.  He used A LOT of glue for his jewels.  So he had to wait a long time to put it on.  Mother Goose Time thinks of everything and they gave us a set of Velcro tabs for each belt.  That way it can come on and off.  With the wardrobe complete I had to take pictures.  I had no choice.

It was the end of the day and when he stood on the patio his shadow cast perfectly towards me so I had him stand in a "superhero" pose, although now that I look at him it looks a bit more like Peter Pan.

Our old fence has lead to some amazing pictures over the years.  Unfortunately it's about to fall over in many places so we will have to to work on putting something new in.  But I am going to make my husband try to save a panel or two of the fence that I can use as a photography backdrop.
He gave me all sorts of goofy poses.

This last one is my absolute favorite and it was a perfect format for a quote to be placed on the photo.  This is a wonderful quote from Dana at Care.Craft.Cook.
And of course the fists are out and he is ready for take off.
He learned, he played, he crafted and I photographed. :)

1 comment:

  1. My son is a big fan of Superheroes and and I guess I will try and make this for him since I know he will love it. Thanks for sharing it with us.
