
Friday, June 16, 2017

Random Mother Goose Time and Experience God Learning

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Although my follow through of Mother Goose Time lessons may be random, what they teach and how they teach it is not.  That I know for sure.

We have implemented the new 10 drawer system which has lead to bits and pieces of Mother Goose Time done here and there.  I don't see that as a negative though because it has given my 3 year old much more choice and freedom in how he wants to do "school".   He is able to initiate school time which has lead to some really amazing time together.  So this post is going to include random MGT and Experience God activities we have done here and there.

First up is an Experience God lesson.  We have taken a long break from Experience God because I just didn't feel like I was using it to it's full potential.  What we did instead was read little daily devotionals from the Jesus is Calling book or spent some time memorizing scriptures from our Awana book.  Although these are great and quick options, Experience God really makes things interactive and brings a whole new level to biblical truths.  This month is called "God is Eternal" and in week one we are learning that God Always Was, Is and Will Be.  All three boys were sitting at the counter eating breakfast and I was across from them, I thought it was perfect time to pull out the tri-fold paper I had pre-folded.  I painted a pattern on the center section, then folded one side in and then the other.  Then I showed them that the shape was the same in all three sections and I pointed to them and called the first section, "yesterday", middle section "today" and the right section "forever".  Each day has a little blue box with a simple synopsis of the lesson.  "God never changes.  We can trust him to always love us."  Then I added, He is the same yesterday, today and always.
And then we went to the beach for our anniversary with a plus one and ate gelato.
Now onto day 1 learning about islands. We actually completed most of this days lessons.  First Adam got to explore the new foam letters and numbers.  I sent numbers one through six with him to the bathroom sink.

 While I cleaned up in the bathroom, I gave Adam the island page in his Alphabet Island book to color.  He chose to color the zigzag page instead.
Then we worked on his name tag.  I first wrote his name in pencil and this time gave him a colored pencil to trace with.  I explained to him, as I do every month, that he was to follow the lines I made.  But this time, he got it and traced every line in his name!
I love these types of milestones.  They just wake up one morning ready, so you have to keep offering the same thing over and over again and all of a sudden it will click.
He had so much fun with the foam shapes in the sink I decided to move it outside, but not before making his pirate patch.  It made for a pretty cute pirate learning his numbers.

We first rolled the pocket cube which was set up like a typical dice.  Then he would find that numbered "island" or foam piece.
I was shocked at how easily he found the numbers that he rolled.  He rolled a four and found it quickly.  I had no idea he recognized numbers.
 I made sure to point out the number 3 which is a good number for this 3 year old to know.
 And then we went to the Enchanted Forrest for the day!
And then our chicken died. :(
And then we got three new chicks.

On Sunday I was the teacher in the toddler nursery at church so I brought our Experience God along.  We made crowns to remind us of our eternal kind and I put a large circle on the floor with masking tape to learn the concept of eternal, or never ending.
 This princess drove a truck around the never ending circle.
And today, I know for sure it is officially summer because I have 5 children in the house!  At breakfast, I got out our official crown materials from Experience God and they all made a crown.  We also learned about how Saul became Paul.  This is what my table looks like after.
And last but not least, a few days ago, Koko laid the first egg.
Thank you for following along on our journey with us.  Life is busy and crazy and Mother Goose Time fits right in and makes it even more fun!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You guys have been busy! I love how little children just pick up on stuff. Little Guy and I were looking at an Alphabet book a couple of years ago, and he started making most of the letters! I didn't remember ever teaching him letters, but he knew most of them.

    And continuously handing them the same type thing to do is such great advice. Often times I feel like he is NEVER going to get something (like place value most recently) until one day, after me helping him find the answer 10 days in a row, he can do it himself.
