
Thursday, August 18, 2016


It seems that it has become a bit of a routine to set out trays of activities when our friends are here.  This month is all about Science, and we are having so much fun.  Day 4 was all about Reactions.

While the kids were busy playing I set up the trays in more of a station format on the table.
Here is the Baking Soda Reactions activity. 
I still needed to cut out the storytelling pieces for this one.  I actually found the storytelling set in the next days bag.  So I was a bit confused at first.  This went with the Alfred Nobel Storytelling activity. 
This was the set up for the Firework Salt Painting art project.  I tried it out to make sure I had the paint the right consistency. 
 Here is a look at the table as a whole and all the mess around it. 
Now it was time to get the kids involved.  Cody started with the baking soda and vinegar.  We started with the discussion question "Are all clear liquids water? How do you know?"  It didn't take long, when I asked them to smell the liquids, to figure out that they were both NOT water. 

Lachlan and Peter were at the other side of the table working on the art project.  The watery paint was drawn to the salt that we sprinkled on the glue. 

 As you can see, they thought it was pretty cool.
 Then we traded stations and it was Peter's turn to try the vinegar and baking soda. 
Lachlan had the idea of making a big boom.  This stemmed from the first discussion question that asked "Would you rather see something make bubbles or hear something make a big boom?" 
He thought that pouring all the vinegar in the baking soda would make a big boom.  It turned out to just make a lot of bubbles at once.  But it was a fun experiment, which is what this month is all about.
 Now it was the little guys turn.  I had to give him a fresh start, so I added a bit of color to his vinegar. 
A birds eye view.

 He slowly gained an audience.
 Added one more watching.
 His audience moved on, but he did not.  He was captivated by it. 
I stepped back and saw this little guy in diapers working hard at this science experiment, and thought to myself "even a kid in diapers can do science."
 I had to take multiple pictures from multiple angles to always remember this image of him. 

 My little "mad scientist". 
 Hollering something. 

 Laughing hysterically. 
This blog post was a bit of an experiment for me.  I have a new camera which allows me to save both a jpeg and a RAW file for each image.  I thought "How great!  I don't have to edit every image for my blog now, if it's a decent picture, bright enough, I can just use the jpeg."  Well I tried it.  All these images are the jpegs, straight from my camera, and I just don't like them as much.  The quality is not as good.  I might have to go back and edit these last few images and post them here so you can see the difference.

Now that's better . . . 

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures of Adam in the goggles. He is too cute.
