
Thursday, March 31, 2016

I Will Prove You Wrong {Bees & Butterflies}

This month with Mother Goose Time we are learning all about bees and butterflies.  The first week is focusing on bees.  I asked a few friends that keep bees if we could come see their hive.  We have a field trip planned soon.  Although, sadly her hive swarmed and left their box looking for more room, so we might not have any bees to see.  Or maybe a new swarm will come.  

I am not sure if there is enough here for a full day post but I have to share a few highlights.

First we had a little play time with one of this month's manipulatives, the attribute blocks.  The neat thing about these is that they are all the different shapes one black and one yellow, one thick and one thin.  The two different thicknesses will lead to some great conversation, I am sure.

We stacked the circles.  I told him it looked like a sandwich because the two black circles were in between the two yellow. 
 So he took a bite.  :)
 Hehehe, I am silly.

This one has nothing to do with bees but it was at the tail end of our Desert theme.  Peter was making pyramids with tiny blocks.  He was doing +1 -1 math with out even realizing it because after they were built we counted the rows.  The biggest one had 6 on the bottom row, then 5, then 4 and so on.  When we counted from the top down it was obviously 1, then plus 1 is 2, then 3 and so on.
We finally made it to day 1 of the Bees and Butterflies theme.  I always take a peak at the Little Goose guide that we get for Adam.  I would say on average I do one lesson each day from the Little Goose guide, sometime more.  I do most of the lessons from the main Mother Goose Time teacher guide with the older two and just casually adapt them for Adam.

On this day we were to paint a bee hive cut out using bubble wrap pouches.  The Little Goose guide recommended we first have them rip paper and then stuff it into the pouch to make a ball shape.  Honestly, I wasn't sure if Adam knew how to rip paper or if he would understand that we were trying to fill the pouch.  As always, he proved me wrong.
It was hard work as you can tell by his exaggerated facial expressions. He stuffed it in the pouch and had to push hard for some of the big pieces.  He did not give up after one piece but seemed to understand that we wanted to fill it and kept going until there was no more room.
Then he put it in the paint and stamped it on the bee hive.  He watched carefully as he made each mark. 
 When he had finished painting he rested his chin and said "all done". 
 I put them all in a row so you can see his work in progress. 
This was a nice little victory for both of us.  Each time I am surprised by his abilities it pushes me to have him try new things.  Even the things I read in the Little Goose guide and think "he can't do that".  Instead of passing over the activity, I give him an opportunity to prove me wrong.  He is always happy to oblige. 

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