
Monday, March 21, 2016

Experience God - Moses Craft {& Free Download from MGT}

It's no secret I love Mother Goose Time.  But they have more than just the preschool curriculum.  They also have a Christian curriculum called Experience God that can be used in a Sunday school program at church, as an added bonus at a Faith based daycare/preschool or in a homeschool setting.  The applications actual don't stop there, because we actually use the left overs from our home in our counsel time at Awanas.

Mother Goose Time has mastered the concept of themes and this month we are learning about the desert in Discover the Desert.  Since part of Experience God's design is to go along with MGT this month's topic is Moses in the Desert, with the faith lesson being "God Asks Me to Obey".  I think I might stay on this topic for a while. ;)

But here is my real struggle, I have not found a perfect time to fit this in.  I think we all face the very real battle of trying to fit in our time in the word.  It's pretty easy to listen to the world and think of this time as second in line, when really it should be first.  For a while I made Wednesday our Bible day and instead of doing that days MGT lesson I would do the Experience God lesson.  Soon that faded.

What I find easiest to fit into our routine is to read the story cards, which are captivating, memorize the main verse and do the craft.

The Moses parting the sea craft project really caught the attention of the boys.
I have to say, it is a really cool craft idea.  They were given a brown paper and a blue paper. 
They cut the blue paper in half and then fringe cut along the edge and curled it up. 
 They then glued the blue paper to the brown paper to look like the waters parting. 
 Peter got them all lined up as we read through the story again.
 "God told Moses to stretch his hands over the Red Sea."
 The people moved through on the dry ground. 
 When they were through the walls of water fell on top of the Egyptians, so Peter tried to lay the blue paper back down flat again.
Peter was still very interested so I got out our Jesus Storybook DVD series, found the story of Moses parting the red sea and put it on the TV for him to watch.
 He watched and waited patiently for the part of the story that he could act out with his props. 
 The time had finally come and he marched his people, with Moses last, across the red sea.
The movie by itself would have been good and the craft by itself would have been good, but the fact that he could watch the movie (and hear the story) while also acting it out, well that's just spectacular!

That's what I love so much about the variety of crafts from Mother Goose Time.  Some of the crafts are meant to end with a specific product which most often is a prop.  These play props that they have hand made receive hours of play.  I know this combination of creating, hearing, seeing and playing is really going to help Peter remember this story.

This month Mother Goose Time is sharing the love by giving out free downloads with all their cute designs, for anyone to enjoy, not just MGT subscribers.  One of my favorites is the Daily Picture Schedule.  I did a clip art version for our home.  It really helped us get through some tough times of day, like bedtime.  After all, it wasn't Mommy telling them to do it, but it was the list.  This download includes, Free Play, Investigation Stations, Wash Hands, Bathroom, Rest Time, Breakfast, Lunch Dinner, Snack, Circle Time, Hello, Weather, Calendar, Song, Story, Art, Clean Up, Go Outside, Sing and Dance, Good bye, Science, Math, Learning Games, and then 4 blank cards.  You could costumize the 4 blank cards by taking a picture of your child doing a part of their routine, like reading a book, and putting that picture on the card. 

You can use these at home for your morning routine (or bedtime routine), starting with Bathroom, Wash Hands, Breakfast and then onto school topics if you homeschool or Good-Bye if you pack up and go to school.  I think these would work perfect in a pocket chart but if you don't want to hang one of those around your house you could make a cute frame with 3 or 4 velcro tabs and then attach the other side of the velcro to the backs of the cards.  You can switch it out as the day progresses so your little ones can always know what comes next. 

I thought this FREE Printable fit well with the obey theme because, after all, we do want to set them up for success.  If your little one struggles with transitions, I strongly recommend you give this a try. To download follow this link, enjoy!

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