
Monday, May 12, 2014

Sky Spin by Discovery Toys

I just got my Discovery Toys starter kit today.  On the top of all the goodies was the Sky Spin.  My boys were so excited to give it a try.

The photo on the left is just as it's getting ready to launch and the photo on the right is a few seconds later.  you can see it is heading towards the ground.  It didn't fly very high at all. 

As the day progressed and we kept practicing, the boys got really good at this.  They switched hands and held the launcher in their left hand so they could pull the cord with their right.  They could pull it quicker and stronger with their dominate hand.  
I bet if my boys were a little bigger they could get it to really take off.  Next I decided to give it a try.  When I pulled the string on the launcher it went a bit higher, and hovered and flew around for quite a bit longer before hitting the ground.  It was pretty neat.

The wings are a pretty flexible and light plastic, which they have to be to fly.  This also makes it bounce off what ever it may hit as it flies, with out it breaking.  The launcher itself seems pretty sturdy.  Peter is going to be the real test to durability.  We call him Peter the destroyer.  He once broke a glass with his bare hands, a pretty sturdy glass too.  So if it holds up for him it will hold up for anyone.

The boys discovered that if they held the launcher towards the ground and pulled the string, the wing would actually take off and roll like a wheel across the lawn.  They thought that was pretty awesome and started playing with it in that form.

On the website, it says that if you aim this thing just right you can make it come back to you like a boomerang.  So it seems there is more to this toy then meets the eye.

There is a benefits section listed on each toy at the Discovery Toys Website.  For this toy it says:
  • Keeps kids engaged and playing outside.
  • Strengthens fine and gross motor skills.
  • Fosters experiment and trial and error.
    • Vary the force of your pull to adjust how high the wing flies.
    • Vary the tilt of the launcher to adjust the direction of flight.
  • Learn about aerodynamics and simple physics.
  • Sharpens hand-eye coordination as you try to catch the wing.
 If you would like to buy this toy, or any other Discovery Toy, click here.

Update:  It's just been a few days since we opened this toy.  With practice, the boys have both gotten really good at making it fly.  Lachlan more than Peter, Lachlan is 5.  He has even begun to aim it and experimenting with pulling the string at different speeds.  

  • Keeps kids engaged and playing outside.
  • Strengthens fine and gross motor skills.
  • Fosters experimentation and trial & error:
    • Vary the force of your pull to adjust how high the wing flies.
    • Vary the tilt of the launcher to adjust the direction of flight.
  • Learn about aerodynamics and simple physics.
  • Sharpens hand-eye coordination as you try to catch the wing.
  • - See more at:,1414,194.aspx#sthash.LCipARqO.dpuf

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