Thursday, August 15, 2013

I keep waiting for someone to call me crazy

It's interesting, this time around.  Announcing the coming of our 3rd child.  I find myself worrying about reactions from friends and family.  Like congrats, but I think your crazy.  The announcement of #1 is great because of course you are having a baby, you are a nice young couple whom has been married for a little while now.  It's just the way it's supposed to be.  Now #2 is on it's way.  It's another "of course" sort of scenario.  You can't just have one child, so of course you are having a second.  What a nice family.

Now #3 is coming.  #3 seems a little more optional these days.  A family of 5 is considered a big family.  Why on earth would you want three kids?

Why 3?  . . . because we just seem to have so much wasted space in our mini van.

Why 3? . . . because we really want there to be a middle child.

Why 3? . . . because the more children the better the chance one will take care of us in our old age.

Why 3? . . . because we really like the idea of being out numbered by our children.

Why 3? . . . because we have just too much money we don't know what else to do with it.

Truthfully, why 3, because our family was not complete yet.  That's the truth of it.  I have had friends and family tell me that with their last child they remember soaking in every little moment with them as a baby knowing that they weren't going to do it again.  I never had that feeling.  When we had Peter all I could think of was, I can't wait to do it again.

I love kids, I love being a Mom and I LOVE getting to know a new little person.  In my soul, I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is one more little person that is supposed to be a part of my life and I theirs.

Every child is a blessing from God and I feel so very blessed.  Maybe not so much in those moments where both children are melting down and throwing tantrums.  Don't worry I don't live in some sort of fairy tale land.  But all in all they are the joy of my life.

We are also not the richest family, in fact out of our group of friends and family, we probably hold the record for smallest income.  So I keep waiting to hear, is that really financially responsible of them?  Here is my answer NO!  But you can't take it with you!  Just in case you weren't aware.  I have seen people pass from this life and there was no magical moment when all of their riches disappeared with them.  What I have always seen in that moment, is a room full of those that love them.  Holding their hand and cherishing their time together until the last moment.

You have probably all read my Why Such a Weird Blog Name post and know that I am not worried about worldly things, I like to focus more on the moments.  On love and relationship.  I do hope, all 3 of my children bring me dandelions for my hair.

I can't wait to meet you #3.  Coming February 28, 2014.


  1. I love you, Tracy! I for one, never once thought, "are you crazy"? I wasn't even surprised about the news because everything you say here is evident! You're an awesome mom and human being and there's no doubt you're doing what you're supposed to be doing in life. Congratulations! I look forward to meeting number 3 too! Hugs all the way around. Sherry
