
Friday, October 26, 2012

I am Special, Homes and Bible verses

Lachlan's preschool material has three themes each month.  We haven't gotten to the third theme yet.
The first theme was "I am special."  Learning how the way he looks and what he likes makes him special.  We made an I am special collage.  There were little cut out hand prints and little cut out people shapes that we glued on to a paper.  Then we drew pictures on there of things he likes.  He likes trains, race cars, monster trucks and airplanes.  I then gave him a red pen to decorate the page a little more.  Lachlan picked up the red pen and drew an owie on the little figures eye because at that time Lachlan had an owie on his eye.  I was so proud that he totally got the point of the project.  Of course I had to send a picture to my friend who is our optometrist and who was guiding me through the care of the sore.  She thought it was pretty sweet.
The other "I am special" project helped them look at themselves and learn their hair color, eye color or skin color.  These differences among us also make us special.  We chose to focus on eye color.  I made a grid with three different colors on it.  Brown, blue, green for three different colors of eyes.  Then we went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see what color eyes he has.  His are blue.  He then put a sticker on the matching color on the grid.  So simple but he has now learned that people have different color eyes and had to investigate to see what color eyes Mom has.
Yesterdays little activity went along with the second theme, "Homes".  I went around the house with a laundry basket and collected house hold items from all the different rooms. I had a hand towel, baby wash, toothbrush, pillow, mixing spoon, and tongs.  I lifted out each item and asked him what it was, and then which room it belonged in.  He got each one right but had a hard time with the tongs, however, he did know where they belonged.  We have always called our bedrooms by the persons room that it belongs to so we seldom used the term bedroom, with out realizing it of course.  When I pulled out the pillow he said it belonged on the bed and then continued to say it belonged in the bedroom.  He came up with it all on his own.  So fun to be there for those moments.
I am also incorporating some material from Confessions of a Homeschooler. She has a Letter a Week curriculum that you can buy for $10! You have to print all the material out and laminate if you so desire, but it's an amazing value.  She has a Bible verse for each letter of the alphabet.  A is: All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23  This will be great for me as well because I don't have many, maybe even no, verses memorized and I actually just typed that one from my memory!
We are working through the Funshine material really slowly.  So far we have only covered letter A.  But he is really starting to learn the letter well.  A couple days ago we got out a newspaper and he highlighted all the As he could find.  He was so proud of himself.  At this rate it may take 2 years to get through all the letters, but I guess I would rather see him really learn the letter than to simply memorize it.  I say that but at the same time it might really kill me to not have him learn more letters.  Maybe I will hang all the letters and introduce them but continue to go slowly through the lessons around each letter.  Obviously I am still thinking through and adapting things to fit our life.  I am so thankful for this opportunity to teach our son at home.  Thank you to my amazing husband for working so hard so I can stay at home and spend our money on homeschooling supplies.

If you find my blog posts helpful and you decide to make a purchase at FunShine Express please add my blog name in the referral section when you check out. We are so thankful for any help we get towards the expense of our boys education.

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